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  • arsartllc


Updated: Dec 2, 2020

The bulls are a reference that Alberto Rodríguez Serrano usually applies very often. They are animals typical of the Castilian land, of his land.

They are powerful, noble animals with a great character. The same properties that he tries to transmit in each painting. These bulls do not represent bullfights. The aim is to represent the animal in movement, in its purest essence.

"The bulls are a reference that I usually apply very often. They are animals typical of the Castilian land, of my land." - Alberto Rodríguez Serrano

These paintings are made in a large percentage without brushes or other tools, only with the hands of the artist. A brush or a spatula are just tools used to paint, but being an external tool to the body, most of the time the artistic expression is not so fresh and loses its naturalness. For that reason, once the background is applied, and except for retouches in which a brush is used, the painting is made with the hands. That is why you can see many fingerprints and hand prints on the surface of this and other Works.

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