Reception the award of "The Gold Star" to professional excellence at the Palace Hotel in Madrid in recognition of work within the art world. The entity that grants this mention is the Excelentia Foundation under the patronage of the Ministry of the Interior and the Autonomous Community of Madrid, Madrid Spain.
The Institute for Professional Excellence (I. E. P. ) is an institution created on January 15, 2012 with the purpose of recognizing quality and certifying the commitment of professionals, Spanish companies and institutions, in order to reward your pursuit of excellence. The I. E. P. seeks to encourage, promote, to qualify and certify these bodies towards their continuous growth and perfection.
The I.E.P make creditors of the Gold Star to all those companies, professionals and institutions that have been able to innovate and encourage optimal development economic and social development, in order to encourage excellence in Spain and that in turn have a philosophy oriented to achieve excellence in each of its actions.
The I. E. P. is registered as an Association in the Community of Madrid with number 36. 085 and in the Ministry of Education, Industry, Energy and Tourism with registration number:
3,107,470, in compliance with current legislation.